Friday, February 13, 2015

giorno numero uno (day no. 1)

Che piacere vederti (Nice to see you)! I'm excited (and somewhat terrified) to begin my journey into Italian. However, I'm armed with a ton of resources - some of my favorite travel blogs, YouTube channels, and some guidebooks - to help me along the way. One of my favorite blogs is Learn Italian with Lucrezia, which I'll be using to help begin my Italian journey. I've been watching some videos from Tom Txxytu and taking notes on basic things like grammar and past tense verb conjugations. Hopefully once I begin to learn basic nouns and things like colors and the alphabet, I will be able to formulate sentences.

Duolingo has also been an important component for my language learning, because it gives me an opportunity to test what I know and incorporate new words into my vocabulary while receiving feedback. It's also an app, which is useful because it means I can practice just about anywhere. I've also ordered some books from the library on basic Italian. Things are getting off to a good start!

A few of my books I'll be using for the next few weeks - I'm excited!

At the same time, in trying to combine natural as well as more methodical approaches to learning, I really hope to fully immerse myself in the language. This can be through listening to Italian talk radio & podcasts or reading children's Italian books, which some people have found to be a helpful resource for new vocabulary. In doing so, I aim not to understand the entire exchange, but perhaps pick up a few phrases and gain insight into different dialects and articulations.

The Italian intonation is something that definitely does not come naturally to me, so I'll be practicing that this first week, because speaking as fluently as possible is one of my goals for this project. I will also be laying a good grammatical foundation for the rest of the journey by a more methodical approach, using books & videos to gain understanding. With a quick trip to Barnes & Noble and the library I managed to land myself a few more books to practice grammar and a chai berry tea.

It wouldn't let me add the video player I wanted to include, but a video that I've found particularly inspirational is Advice On Learning Italian by Tom Txyytu, which can be found here.

Hopefully this first week will be a great start to my project!
Arrivederci :~)

Comments this Week:
Hannah Gruen
Jason Smith
Laura Roth


  1. I think it is very cool that you are learning Italian, as it is not a language offered by school. I think it is great that you have already ordered books and found programs online that will help you. I was just wondering if you had a timeline of what you will be learning week by week. Also, what is your main goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the project?

    1. Thanks! My main goal is to be able to answer basic questions about my interests and family and things like that, and hopefully put all of it into a spoken video at the end of the project. My timeline's still coming along as I read through the resources that I have, so hopefully I will have that up in a few days!

  2. Learning Italian is a really interesting idea for the genius project! It seems like it will be challenging, but I know if anyone can do it, you can. It seems like you have found many resources that will be really helpful, and you are off to a good start. Are you planning on focusing on a different aspect of the language every week, or are you just going to learn what you can as you go along? Also, if you ever go to Italy, please take me with you!!

    1. Thank you!! I'm aiming for a mix of both grammar and vocabulary this week as I'm just getting started, but perhaps in the future I may have a few themed weeks focused on specific words like food or travel. Don't worry - going to Italy without Hannah Elizabeth Gruen herself would essentially be pointless.

  3. Hi Sarah!
    First of all, nice aesthetic. I'm loving your blog's design; it's clear you know what you're doing! I think that your methods for learning the language seem fun and unique! I love how you are listening to Italian radio and going through children's books. Out of curiosity, why did you choose to take Italian? I know that you take German in school and, in music, we learn that there are two types of Latin used in pronunciation: German Latin and Italian Latin. They are on opposite sides of the spectrum! I'm looking forward to seeing how much Italian you end up learning and whether there is a trip to Italy on the horizon?!

    1. Thanks, Jason!! Learning Italian has always been on my bucket list but since our school doesn't offer it, I decided to take German instead. In the past six months or so I've becoming interested in travelling to Italy, whether it be during high school or sometime in college. I'm hoping with knowledge of the language and culture I'll be better equipped for the things I want to do in the near future! The genius hour project provided me with motivation and a timeline to meet my goals.
