Tuesday, March 10, 2015

progress - a video encompassing my adventures in italian

Ciao amici! After about one and a half hours of editing for a video that took me 20 minutes to record, I come to you with the finished product: a short video approximately 5 minutes long. It was really, really fun to make though - I kind of forgot how much passion I had (and still have) for making awful little videos on my webcam and posting them all over the internet, a practice first established in 2009. I feel like I'd lost a bit of that passion when I went through a phase where I became too cool for making myself look like an idiot in front of a camera as an art form, but that phase has passed now. This ended up being very fun to make and probably ready to be submitted to an amateur film festival.

Without further ado, I present to you - progress.

progress from Sarah Wolbach on Vimeo.

I'm sorry if the audio gets a bit low at some points; really hope you all enjoy :~)

you can literally see the sky turn from still pretty light out to the black depths of hell in my window so be on the lookout for that


Comments this week:


  1. Hi Sarah!
    I love this! What a nice and honest post, and you are such a good speaker! Anyways, I think that it is so cool that you have an Italian pen-pal. As someone who is also learning a foreign language for this project, I never even thought of that as an option, but maybe I will just do it for fun! I also loved that you compared your language learning experience to a road map, and I definitely agree with this metaphor. Keep up the good work, and I am looking forward to your TED Talk!

    1. Thanks Jason! Pen pals are definitely really fun and very very helpful as well, especially when you're just starting off with a language. They not only motivate you to learn more, but are able for you to ask questions any time you need help.

  2. Sarah, your video is really nice! I liked the music because it was calm and I was still able to understand every word you said. You did a great job with the video! I love how you talk about not only the langauge but also the culture and how it inspired you to learn Italian! I can't wait for your TED talk!!!!!!!! :)

    1. Thank you Laura!! The culture has definitely inspired me a lot to continue learning Italian. I'm very nervous for my TED Talk but I really hope I can pull through; I'm excited to see yours!

  3. Sarah, this was a really neat video. I unfortunately have not been keeping up with this blog, but just from watching the video I can tell how invested you are in learning Italian. This idea of finding a pen pal is really good, in my opinion. It will help you in your writing and Italian, obviously, but it also is a great way to learn about Italian culture and then also make a potentially life long friend. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Evan! I really enjoy writing back and forth with my pen pal and I agree, it has helped me learn a lot about the culture as well as the language.

  4. Sarah, this is the first time i am viewing your blog. First let me say, it's amazing that you are undertaking such a challenge for this project. Do you enjoy foreign language class in school. Which one are you taking. That is so cool that you have found a pen pal and that you are not just trying to learn the language but also learning to culture. Really looking forward to reading more of your blog.

    1. Thanks Jay! I'm taking German in school and I really enjoy it so far. I wish we had the opportunity for more languages at our school, because I think a physical class for Italian would help me a lot with motivation and my learning.

  5. Hi Sarah!!
    I love your vlog! You're so good in front of the camera, and I love the background music and overall aesthetic. You should actually become a YouTuber; I bet you would get more subscribers than Zoella :~). I love how you're looking at Italian as a way to connect with people and expand your horizons, not as just a language. Italian culture is so interesting to me, it's great that you're learning about that as well. Your TED Talk was really great and you are a perfetta Italiano :~)
